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How does Markisto use cookies?

Markisto does not use cookies to store customer data. The only cookies we allow are used by us to track your session data and by google and bing search engines to provide basic search engine optimization data on website performance. This data is used to optimize our website and make it more user friendly. These cookies can be switched on or off in the settings of your browser. You can also choose to visit our side in private browse mode.

What are cookies?

Cookies are little text files which are stored on your computer through your browser. They allow the browser to preload data to a website for auto login or auto fill. If used securely, they make the webapp more user friendly.

How to delete cookies?

Cookies can be deleted through your own browser settings. You can choose to switch off cookies per site or completely for the web. You can also choose to use our app in private mode.

Last update: 01-09-2019

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