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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Markisto guarantees the complete protection of the privacy of our customers. This privacy statement has been prepared for you to clarify privacy laws and management. It indicates how we collect and use information.
All information entrusted to us by our customers will be processed in a secure, confidential and protected manner, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. In addition, the input of data via your computer is at all times protected from third parties by SSL security certificates.

Does Markisto provide personal information about customers to third parties?

Markisto will not sell, rent or share the personal data of our customers with third parties, except in cases of fraud or at the request of a government agency. Otherwise, your data will only be used as stated under Your data (below). If you have any concerns about how your data may be used by Markisto, you should not register on this website. Customers may place an order without registering. This means that we only use your data for invoicing. The data that can be saved includes:
- First and Last names
- Delivery address
- Email address
- Phone number

Where does Markisto use my personal data for?

When you register as a new customer you agree with our privacy policy and general terms and conditions. The information given to us by our customers will be kept and can be used for the following (provided you have opted for the newsletter option):

- Inform you about new products, services or special offers that are available on Markisto.
- Provide you with news updates and information about Markisto.
- Assisting Markisto to better understand his business and improve business operations based on data analyzes and assessments.

Can Markisto call or e-mail me if I have not placed an order?

If you have not placed an order, you will not be contacted by Markisto in any way. We do not use e-mail marketing and we do not call unknown people to provide information about Markisto.
Markisto can contact his customers. Markisto will try this first by e-mail. If we do not receive a response, we will try it by phone. We will leave a message if there is no answer.

IMPORTANT: By registering and / or using this website, you give Markisto permission to use your data as described above.

Note: Markisto does not store financial data of customers. Markisto will never ask you for your financial data.

What about the safety of Markisto and how are my data protected?

Markisto attaches great importance to the safety of our customers. That is why Markisto uses the most advanced security measures on our website to protect our customer data from loss, misuse or alteration beyond our control.
All transactions are carried out via a secure server link that uses the latest and most advanced encryption technology. Markisto does not retain credit card data in its database. This is to ensure the protection of our customers. All transactions are carried out by nominated companies such as PayPal and iDeal.

What data is saved by Markisto?

If you choose to register on our website, you will be asked to enter your contact details such as name, email, delivery address and so on.

Contact details that you submit to Markisto by registering can be used at a later date to provide you with information about Markisto (provided you have registered for the newsletter).

Users are free to choose to receive our newsletters and other types of messages via email. After registration you can change these options by viewing your profile under My account.

Can I access my data at any time and can I also delete or modify it?

Customers of Markisto have access to their account at any time via the My account link on this website. You can change previously provided data to update information and ensure quality or delete your entire account. We recommend changing your password at least once a month for security reasons.

How does Markisto use cookies?

Markisto uses Cookies technology on this website (based on separate sessions). This helps our customers by maintaining previous orders and other data provided during previous visits. Our website uses long-term cookies that are stored on customers' computers. This means you do not have to log in with your registered username and password every time you want to access this information.

If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of Markisto or other security measures applicable to this website, please contact us. Click here to contact Customer service.

Last update: 01-09-2019

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